© 2024 AreCreative - Port Macquarie Australia

As the name implies, this is where you can view samples of previous projects that we’ve completed for our wonderful clients both domestic and international.

We’ve very thoughtfully categorised them into neat little bundles for you so if you’re looking for Website UI Design or Digital Design, simply click on any of the thumbnails in the ‘Website UI Design’ or ‘Digital Design’  section to bring up a lovely lightbox; if you’re looking for Brand Design, there’s a handy ‘Brand Design’ section just waiting for your attention. The same can be said for Print Design, Social Media Design and yep you guessed it, Point Of Sale Design is there too. See, all nice and handy and in the one convenient place. Your challenge now dear reader is ... which thumbnail to click on first?! Alternatively if you couldn’t be bothered scrolling (we understand how tiring it can be) just click on any of the brightly coloured icons directly above this boring blurb to jump to what interests you most. How easy is THAT.

Brand Design

Are Creative Brand, Graphic Design, Web Design, Print Design.

The proof as they say, is in the pudding.
Here’s a little slice.

AreCreative are our go to team for all things graphics and visual. Consistency is the key. Consistently high quality in design, advice and most importantly communication. They are not merely an execution service but feel like a permanent member of our team. Highly recommended!” 

David Lee

Founder ~ G8 Performance

Brand design, the stuff we love the most! Below are samples of recent brand work we’ve completed with our wonderful clients, we say WITH our wonderful clients because we believe a truly great brand is a product of the collaboration between the designer and the client, a relationship built on communication, cooperation and compromise.

Website & Digital Design

Our passion is user interface (ui) and user experience (ux), it’s the ‘skin’ of the website, what the user interacts with and how they move around the web. Just like google we believe in creating a better web experience for everyone. It’s all about the most effective way to communicate your message...we just really like it to look pretty too.

Print Design

We show you the colour and beauty of our ink. We constantly strive to deliver your content in a way that’s not only easy to understand but (uber importantly to us) is a pleasure to behold...aesthetically speaking. We’ve been doing it since back when we still had to use hot wax (don’t ask) and we STILL get a buzz every time we grab a fresh job off the press.

Social Media Design

Social media has given us so many wonderful new shapes and sizes to play with and we dig them all! you name the platform and the banner size, we bet we’ve banged out the artwork to fit. our favourite has to be squeezing your all important brand or message into the 20% copy space that facebook allows for an ad image...bring it on!

P.O.S. Design

It’s the kind that jumps out and grabs you as you walk by, big and impactful or small and intriguing we know which to use and when to use it and we have great fun with both! Then there’s everything in between as well. We like to make an impression when we’re presenting your product or service and we’re not about to let your clients miss the...point!

get in touch
for more.


Check the brand design projects we’ve been cooking.


Take a look at our contributions to a better web experience.


We show you the colour & beauty of our ink.


Get your social media sites looking


It’s all about grabbing

