The point is, we realise full well that you as our potential client may not give a hoot where we’re from (based in Port Macquarie on the east coast of Australia...incidentally), quite possibly aren’t concerned with how long we’ve been in the game (36 years combined experience...just in case it matters), most likely haven’t given a thought to where we went to college, and very probably aren’t even remotely interested in our capacity to hold our breath underwater for a solid three minutes (may not be entirely true).

No we’d like to think that the reason you’re here is actually grounded in self interest (totally fine by the way so don’t feel like we’re judging) which is a good thing, you’re obviously aware that you need help with certain areas of your business and are doing something about it. You’re on the hunt for someone that can help you with making stuff look pretty, you’re looking for a solution to your business’s problems and if you’ve landed here then we’ve a fair idea of a. what those problems are and; b. how we can go about coming up with that solution for you. Sound good?

If yes click here to jump to our contact page so we can get started and you can save yourself from reading the dribble that’s below. If no click here to simply save yourself from reading the dribble that’s below.

In the unlikely event that you’re reading THIS particular paragraph then we’re guessing that you’re either in a waiting room somewhere trying to kill some time OR you ARE actually interested in some or even all of the above points about us. Firstly, thanks very much and now here’s the quick rundown.

We get it, you’re not here to learn about us, you’re here for YOU!

Who are we? 
We Are Creative.

The proof as they say, is in the pudding.
Here’s a little slice.

AreCreative are our go to team for all things graphics and visual. Consistency is the key. Consistently high quality in design, advice and most importantly communication. They are not merely an execution service but feel like a permanent member of our team. Highly recommended!” 

David Lee

Founder ~ G8 Performance

Ben Creighton

Founder – Commander: AreCreativeArmy
Creative Director ~ Designer + UI Designer + Developer

Well it’s a very common trend in this day and age, almost a rule, that you need to have an ‘about us’ or ‘bio’ page on your website. Well we’re not about to buck the system just for the sake of it. Though it does beg the question, why?

© 2024 AreCreative - Port Macquarie Australia

Yasmin Peterson,  mum, designer, all round champion
Ben Creighton, founder, owner, husband, dad, designer, developer, UI designer, ginga ninja

Ben makes the big decisions around the office, like what sort of coffee to buy, how many sugars to put in said coffee when it’s being brewed, what colour to make that circle, etc. Crazy important stuff like that.

Over 19 years in the design industry, with experience ranging from medium to large design firms handling brand work and the full gamut of printed collateral that goes with it, to the art direction and production of newspapers and lifestyle magazines. Then there’s the whole digital side of things; Ben is skilled in website UI design, creating sites that are both aesthetically pleasing and a pleasure to use. He is the webmaster for many of our client’s sites both static and CMS (Content Management System). He also outputs countless digital pieces for all the many and varied social media platforms and their virtually endless array of shapes and sizes. Let’s not forget to plug the EDM’s while we’re on a roll, yep EDM’ problem there either.

Ben has an excellent understanding of the deadline-driven environment in which we operate. And one of our favourite sayings in times of stress is "I eat pressure"! Meaning simply that we thrive on a challenge.

People say that deadlines are what this industry is all about, we say that's all well and good but what about design, what about the creative? It's great to get a project completed on time but it's getting the job done on deadline and getting it done RIGHT that is the real task at hand. We're talking about good quality, well planned and well executed creative!

Yasmin Peterson

First Lieutenant: AreCreativeArmy

Yasmin is fast, efficient and SUPER creative, she bangs out artwork while she’s sleeping and then spends most days kicking at the beach. 

A bit of a gypsy over the 18+ years of her design career she’s moved from town to city, city to town then one more town for something different, this gypsy lifestyle has given her loads of experience in different aspects of the industry & different perspectives of how things can be designed. She’s dabbled in screen printing, played with pre press, photoshopped her way through countless images, commanded loads of content management systems and always has the creative mind going at home too with many different projects on the burner, painting, decorating, designing & gardening. Constantly having something creative on the go keeps Yasmin up to date with new design trends to make your project stand out from the crowd.

we work hard,
you rest easy.


Check the brand design projects we’ve been cooking.


Take a look at our contributions to a better web experience.


We show you the colour & beauty of our ink.


Get your social media sites looking


It’s all about grabbing